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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Books-20: "SUPER BRAIN" by Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr Rudolph E.Tanzi

"SUPER BRAIN" by Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr Rudolph E.Tanzi

I am a great admirer of Dr Deepak Chopra.  Reading his books always give me immense pleasure.  They are thought-provoking and contain a lot of useful info.

Yesterday I came across a news clipping about his new book, SUPER BRAIN.  It has been co-athored with Dr Rudolph E.Tanzi, an expert in the field of Alzheimer's disease.

I started browsing for more information and could get the following details:

The book is available in India and is priced at Rs.599/- and the special offer price is Rs.359/-.  It contains 336 pages.  Its ISBN code is 978-0-307-95682-8.  I also could read sample pages from the book, which only confirmed my expectations.  The sub-title of the book gives more info: Unleashing The Explosive Power Of Your Mind To Maximize Health, Happiness And Spiritual Wellbeing.

I also read an interview by the authors about the book.  

All these make me crave for the day I can lay my hands on the book and start devouring it.

I am waiting.

Some useful links below:

For an excerpt from the book:

For the authors interview:

For review of the book from

Grateful thanks to Drs Chopra and Tanzi, Oprah, CrownPublishing and

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