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Thursday, May 29, 2008

How To-23: "How to Write a Good Book on Any Subject"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

If you really want to write a good book, think you're able to write a good book and are ready to write your heart out, and you love books, this would be for you. Read on...


  1. Get an idea. You need to get the idea or else, you won't have a book at all. So when you've got the plot, look at it. Turn it around, see what it's like.
  2. Write down your plot. You also need to write down your goal for it and a few things about it. How long do you want it to be? How long is each chapter? Who will be reading it? Will you have chapters? What genre is it? Will it be told as 'I' or 'Harry Potter', 'Harry Potter' usually also being 'He'
  3. Now you're ready to write. Get out a pen and some paper, or, do as I do and write on the computer. (Not write on the screen, type it out!) Writing the first chapter is very important. Write it carefully, as it could be the most important piece of the book; people often tend to start reading the book to see if they like the authors style of writing.
  4. When you're done with the first chapter, look over it. Don't edit it yet, though. You've got to keep writing. And keep writing. Make mental notes about anything you got wrong, and keep them in a document. If you're writing a serious book, that is it isn't planned to be published in giant font and is based for over eight years old, nothing should have happened yet, but it's good to leave a clue int he first chapter. Go onto the second chapter.
  5. It's typical to find a new idea around the second chapter. You should put this down in another document named 'ideas'. Keep writing.
  6. Space your story out. Keep writing but keep record of how many pages you've got in a chapter. A usual fantasy story would have about seven computerised pages achapter and 200 pages in the book, with roughly 35/6/7 chapters. That should stretch your story out nicely.
  7. Once you've got your story done, look over it twice yourself. What do you think. Whatever you do, don't compare it to professional authors books, because those authors have a lot of experience. If you show friends or family, they'll probably tell you it's great. A good idea is to email your story to a friend and say that an author named Teddy Fitzgerald, who lives in Bulgaria. It so mad it just might work...
  8. Find an agent. It's optional, but most people find t helps. He'll give you tips, help you, and look for a publisher. And you'll both share an interest : your books.
  9. Come up with a good name. It has to have some significance in your book. Scary sounding names are good. (Harry Potter and Philosopher Stone? Wow. A global warming book named 'No More Coats'.
  10. Sit back and relax while people ask for your autograph.


  • Try not to give a fantasy book to a medical books publisher etc.
  • Your local library should be able to help with finding publishers etc.
  • Make sure that everything is spelled correctly
  • If you have too much of the word 'said' you can always use 'ask' 'mutter' 'shout' 'reply' or nothing at all when it's obvious who's speaking.


  • Don't take it personally if your book doesn't get published. Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone took 32 different publishers.
  • Make sure that your books don't offend people.
  • NEVER get frustrated when you can't think of more ideas for the next chapter. Relax! It'll come to you.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer (optional, but faster)
  • A hand (It just might help)
  • Books to read (They rev up your ideas)
  • Imagination (You can't do it without it)
  • Patience (It WILL come in handy)

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Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write a Good Book on Any Subject. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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