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Tuesday, October 31, 2023


"The Art of Creative Thinking: 89 Ways to See Things Differently" by Rod Judkins is a book that provides practical insights and exercises to stimulate creative thinking. 

Here are ten lessons from the book:
1. Embrace Curiosity: Foster a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world. Question the status quo and be open to new ideas.

2. Divergent Thinking: Practice divergent thinking, which involves generating multiple solutions or perspectives for any given problem or question.

3. Cross-Disciplinary Learning: Expand your knowledge across various fields to draw inspiration from diverse sources.

4. Challenge Assumptions: Question assumptions and norms to uncover new opportunities for innovation and creative solutions.

5. Mindset Shifts: Recognize the value of shifting your mindset. Sometimes, a change in perspective can lead to breakthroughs.

6. Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment and take risks. Failure can lead to valuable insights and creative growth.

7. Creative Habits: Cultivate habits that support your creativity, such as setting aside time for reflection, brainstorming, or journaling.

8. Sensory Awareness: Pay attention to your senses and use them as sources of inspiration. Observation can lead to novel ideas.

9. Synthesis: Combine ideas and concepts from various sources to create something new and unique.

10. Embrace Constraints: Constraints can be a source of creativity. Work within limitations to find inventive solutions.

"The Art of Creative Thinking" offers a diverse range of techniques and strategies for enhancing your creativity. By practicing these lessons and engaging in the suggested exercises, you can develop a more creative mindset and approach to problem-solving in both your personal and professional life.


You can get the Audiobook for free using the same link, as far as you are registered on the Audible Platform.
Also, you can enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book with the same link. 👆👆👆

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.

*Book overview from Amazon*

Sunday, October 15, 2023


A special edition of the “brilliant” best-selling classic on the paradoxes of modern physics and their relationship to concepts of Eastern mysticism (New York Magazine) The Tao of Physics brought the mystical implications of subatomic physics to popular consciousness for the very first time. Many books have been written in the ensuing years about the connections between quantum theory and the ideas of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, but Fritjof Capra’s text serves as the foundation on which the others have been built—and its wisdom has stood the test of time. Its publication in more than twenty-three languages stands as testimony to its universal applicability and its enduring significance. This special edition celebrates the thirty-fifth anniversary of this early Shambhala best seller that has gone on to become a true classic. It includes a fresh cover design and a new preface by the author reflecting on further discoveries and developments in the years since the book’s original publication.“Physicists do not need mysticism,” Dr. Capra says, “and mystics do not need physics, but humanity needs both.” It is a message of timeless importance.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday, October 13, 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


A biographic account of Hiuen Tsang (Xuanzang, born Chen Hui / Chen Yi, also known by his Sanskrit Dharma name Mokṣadeva, was a 7th-century Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator).

More about him from Wikipedia :

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023